Sunday, July 17, 2016

Independence Rock

This last week my family (including Grandma & 2 nephews) embarked on a trip to Mt Rushmore.

We drove through 7 states & visited several places of interest.

Our first official stop was Independence Rock in Wyoming. So named because to the pioneers traveling west it was an important landmark they needed to reach by July 4 in order to not get trapped in the mountain snows.

Many of the pioneers carved their names in the rock as a a remembrance.

While much of the names have been lost to the wind & the weather (oh. my. the Wyoming wind) many many are still visible today.

One section is fenced off & has plaques & fancy carving. But the really cool stuff is way around the other side...

had to do a little rock climbing too...

Can't you just picture the covered wagons moving through this valley?

Around this big rock we started finding names. We found dozens of names. We found some of the really cool ones they show on all of the literature. And my girl & I were flat amazed that this 150 year old graffiti ~ people carving their names into rock had better, neater hand writing than most people today. This was practically calligraphy y'all...

My girl was very impressed that she was there standing where the pioneers were, all those years in the past, carving their names for posterity.

This one is cool ~ Mr. & Mrs. R. somebody. I love that it is both of them.

These were maybe the coolest. They are soldiers who included their ranks. See how they were in the cavalry?

See the date? 1867

Another cavalry soldier.

This was waiting for us around the bend...

Reading the faded ones...

 King of the world.

This was just the beginning of the amazing things we saw.

Such majesty.

We truly live in a beautiful land. Stay tuned for more of it...


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