Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Crater Lake

Last week 4 of my children & I headed up to Crater Lake.

It's only about an hour and a half from us so we try to go a few times a year.

This was our first trip this year & although June is high summer in some places ~ at Crater Lake snow still rules the day.

Lots & lots of snow.

NJ found a new friend while we were there & named him "Smokey".

Check out the cool snow cave from the snow sliding off the roof.

The lake.

Bald eagle.

My chillin's (well, most of them anyway)

All of us. (taken by a nice lady from Mississippi)

Ooooo pretty.

(see Smokey?)

My son the tree hugger...

My girl.

Smokey. Getting back to nature.

For reference my son is over 6 ft.

In the lodge.

For reference I am under 6 ft.

We had a great visit. Enjoyed the snow & the lake immensely.

On the way up we stopped at Fort Klamath but unfortunately it was closed.
I was going to show the boys the graves of Captain Jack & his men from the Modoc Indian War. Last week we also went to the Lava Beds National Monument & hiked the Captain Jack trail which documents the Modoc War & the story of what happened to the men involved.
If you aren't familiar with that piece of history you should read up on it. 
(no. really. you should.)


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