Saturday, July 23, 2016

Mt. Rushmore

Our next stop was the ultimate point of our trip: Mt. Rushmore!

That was the furthest east we traveled - everything from that point on was headed west again.

Mt. Rushmore is just cool. Really really really cool!


The kids with Gutzon Borglum - the man behind Mt. Rushmore.

The cool avenue of flags. Each state has it's own flag & a plaque with the date of statehood.

See?  Oregon.

See the rocks with the striations? Those are from being blasted off the face of the mountain. Cool.


Borglum's original mock up of the monument. The mountain itself wouldn't support the extra carving of the torsos & hands hence the way it looks today.

This created great controversy in our family. What really is in the secret room & what aren't they telling us? (cue the theme music for X-Files. Mulder? Scully?)

The boys completed their Junior Ranger badges here as well. See the 2 professionals in their ranger hats?

After Mt. Rushmore we did some sight seeing in Keystone & ended up buying a Pakistan made knife from 2 Hebrew speaking Israeli men who live in Florida now but run a store in Keystone during the tourist season. 

Say that 3 times fast.

Next up: Yellowstone.


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