Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snowy Blowy Day

It is a snowy, blowy , windy day here. It is snowing like mad and has been all morning. All of our tracks from this morning are already covered up. We've probably had 3 more inches today.

My husband comes home tomorrow. I am trying to get everything ready so the house is nice and clean and calm when he gets here. I have beans soaking to make chili for tomorrow. I have to actually make meals now that he will be home.  When it is just me and the kids I'm bad about cooking. We eat a lot of left-overs and soup. Today we're having mac n' cheese with left-over chicken. At least it's home made mac n' cheese and not from a box  Does that make it alright? And my kids love it, so I think I am safe.

It's hard to keep the house warm on days like this. Every time I open the door wind and snow blow in and make everything cold. I keep adding wood to the fire but it never seems to get any warmer. Maybe it's just me. I can live without the wind but I LOVE the snow. It is so beautiful. Everything looks fresh and clean. We've been thinking about buying cross country skis for everybody. We have a Rails to Trails path not far from our house and it's perfect for them. I have looked on e-bay and there are dozens for sale. I think we might try  to rent some to get the feel for it first.

I made matching mother/daughter aprons yesterday for a swap I am doing on the WellTellMe site. My daughter helped me choose the fabric and did part  of the sewing. My seamstress skills are nothing to write home about but we made them pretty with lots of lace and contrasting pockets. I wish I had thought to take a pic before I mailed them. Oh well. I am supposed to make another set for someone else. Maybe I will get pics of them.

It's time to get back to work and I think it's a good baking day. What sounds good?


  1. I'd love to see a pic, as i'm starting sewing, it would be inspiring.

  2. I love your wedding pictures... I would also love to see the apron pictures...maybe they'll post some after receiving them on WTM...

    After seeing your daughter's dress from your wedding (doesn't that sound nice) I don't think that anyone is going to question your seamstress skills...
