Friday, January 11, 2008

My Little Man

My little man (17mths) has been very busy this morning pulling ALL of the pots and pans out of the cupboard and matching up the lids. He likes to take wooden spoons and spatulas and "cook". So he was busy with this and I was busy with my chores when my daughter asked 'Is D. supposed to have oatmeal in his pots?" "Huh?" Apparently while I was "busy" and brother and sister were doing school, the Little Man helped himself to a scoop of oatmeal out of the bin we keep it in.(we buy rice, oatmeal, sugar, wheat, and flour in bulk & store it in big plastic bins). He had sprinkled his oatmeal into 2 or 3 pots and was busily stirring and mixing up a master piece. As I came to investigate his activity he finished stirring, plopped the lid on his pot. picked it up, clutched it to himself upside down and walked off,  trailing oatmeal all the way.  Oh well. That is what the vacuum is for I guess. And he was so happy .

1 comment:

  1. How cute!!! LOL We call our 21 month old Noah, our little man as well. We have a small cabinet that is all his, filled with miniature wooden spoons and plastic bowls, etc. He loves to cook in the kitchen while I am cooking.

    Cherish that little blessing!!

    God's Blessings,

    Amy Jo
