Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fall 2016

We decided to take advantage of the ripe wheat & the beautiful fall skies & take some pictures. 

They could technically be our "First Day of School" pics because, well, it's our first day of school...

But since I didn't make everyone hold up signs with their grades on them I think we'll just not go there.

So how about Fall 2016 pictures? 

That works for me...

I started with the boys & I took about 472 pictures of NJ with his eyes closed. 

He would not keep them open.

He would step out of the frame, be bright eyed, smiley, all good. I would turn the camera on him & those babies would slam shut. 

I gave up. 

This is the best shot I have of them.

At least it's a 'realistic' pose...

This girl here is easy to take pictures of. 

A) She's gorgeous
B) She keeps her eyes open

This is the best of the 3 of them. (Look! NJ's eyes!)  No smile on DP though...

This guy here was dream to photograph. Very photogenic as well.

Yippy ki yay.


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