Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Life is made up of seasons.

Seasons come & go. They change. We change. Nothing stays the same for very long.

That is usually a comfort.

I must confess though, that the season we are currently in is not my favorite.

My children are growing. The 3 oldest are making life plans, forging ahead, creating their futures.

The little ones are not so little anymore.

We are busy, busy, busy.

Always some place to go or be. Something to be done.

Somebody always has somewhere to be.

The times we are all home, together are fewer.

My husband travels more & more often to places farther away for longer times.

I'm supposed to be a stay-at-home, home school, homestead wife & mom.

See all the times 'home' appears in that sentence?

But I make far too many trips to town these days for that to be accurate.

I'm also older. I'm facing down a new decade & I'd be lying if I said that didn't bother me.

It bothers me.

I cannot possibly be this old.

I cannot possibly have children this old.

Nope. Not possible.

Life is seasons.

This is a season. It will pass.

We will grow & change & adapt.

That's how life is.

Children grow & start their own families.

And eventually at least one of them has to supply me with grandchildren...right? They will right? I mean they have to don't they? Right? 

I'll be honest.

I'd love to back up a season or 2. Back to when everyone was littler.

And we were home more.

And life was quieter & simpler.

And I had babies.

I miss babies...

So this is a season.

Not my favorite but it too shall pass.

Maybe the next season will be more to my liking...

Maybe things will slow down.

Maybe someone will give my grand babies.

Or maybe I will just get a puppy...

May your seasons be blessed.

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