Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Goosey Goosey Gander

Just a ways down the road is a beautiful marsh area that is always just filled with birds.

This time of year there are nests & hatchlings everywhere you look & in particular in the marsh.

Goslings are some of the cutest little guys ever.

And -my personal fave- Sandhill Cranes.

Since we've moved back (almost 3 years ago) I have yet to see a baby crane.

Baby cranes, or colts as they are called, are the cutest bright orange little fluff balls you've ever seen.

In photos they look almost brown but out in the fields they are BRIGHT orange.

And they have been hiding from me!

I haven't seen one since before we moved to California in 2010.

Until this week!

My son called to tell me he caught sight of one out in the marsh & I should drive over to see.

Um, yeah! I did just that & there was this adorable orange little guy with his parents.

And about 12,323,000 goslings.

So yesterday the boys & I got up early & drove over there before chores & took my camera.

We spent a good half an hour, on the side of the road, with the flashers on & me hanging out the sun roof taking pics.

See, I might not have SEEN a baby crane since 2010 but I have never gotten a picture of one.

Before we moved I didn't have a decent camera (and you need a zoom for sure) & I never could get a shot of one.

Until yesterday!

And, I may, have taken, oh I don't know, several ... okay like 60 pictures of this baby crane...

But I really really like cranes! And they are SO pretty! Look!

Some of the geese families going for a swim...

And LOOK! The picture I've been waiting 15 years for! 

We've dubbed them Mr. Crane. Mrs. Crane. And Sandy.

I love how they are all looking in the same direction in this one.

These are cool with their reflections in the water...

Some of the bigger goslings at gosling daycare.


Aren't they lovely?

And you know you wished you lived here with all of this amazing nature!


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