Friday, October 21, 2016


I've been saying for awhile now that we, as a people, are too stupid to continue much longer.

Everyone laughs, ha ha, and agrees in a joking manner.

But I'm not joking. The levels to which we have fallen in such a short amount of time are mind blowing.

Compare our current political & racial climate to 15 years ago.


Discussing it with my husband it isn't even what you could call hypocrisy. It's abject stupidity.

A lack of knowledge.

I have 2 specific matters that are on my mind right now. These matters serve as examples of discordance in our society.

I am not holding one or the other up as a good or bad so please don't read this & think you will take away an accurate picture of my political thoughts or views because you more than likely won't.

The current Trump outrage has me thinking.

I have not listened to the tape that has everyone in an uproar & I don't plan to. From my understanding he was a disgusting pig in word & deed & I am not defending him in any way.

But some of the loudest most wildly offended parties to this are  women of a liberal leaning.  Women who "object" to being "objectified".

And I have some issues with this.

I'm just going to bring up one recent event which received much coverage by the media & was all over the place with photos & videos & interviews.

The University of Texas, in Austin, had 'activists' who are against a persons right to carry a concealed weapon, stage a protest to "carry meat not heat".

Their protest consisted mainly of pretty young women walking around holding large plastic penises, commonly known as "dildos" while they smiled & posed for the camera & proclaimed their stance against gun violence.

Everything about this protest was designed to be sexually overt, in your face, shocking & offensive. And by walking around fondling giant plastic sex organs those young women OBJECTIFIED themselves.

They made themselves a sexual object in the eyes of everyone watching.

And that was okay? That was funny? That was light hearted & free speech & those of us offended by it are just stodgy & need to get with the times?

Yet those young women & others like them ~ with the same ideology, the same belief system~ are the ones crying out the loudest about Trumps dirty mouth.

So let me get this straight~ it's okay for them to make themselves a public spectacle of a sexual nature but not it's not okay for anyone to notice or call them on it or respond in kind?

Welcome to America in 2016.

Now again~ I am not defending Trump. I am not saying speaking about women as sexual objects is okay.

I'm saying it's BEYOND hypocritical to put yourself out there as a sexual object & then cry foul when it comes home to roost.

I know many many women who do NOT put themselves out there as sexual objects. They dress modestly. The behave modestly. They have decorum. They are ladies.

These women have expressed offence & outrage at the words on that tape.

I know many men who would never speak like that about a woman. Or anyone for that matter.

They express offence & outrage. From these sources it rings true & honest.

From the young women fondling the giant plastic penises? Not so much. From the people who listen to certain music types where filthy language, violence, sexual abuse & just plain nastiness IS the common thread of the that genre?

It rings empty.

Yet if you call them upon this hypocrisy, this complete inability to follow rational thought, you will be met with outrage & anger & accusation.

I'm not even going to visit my second example in this post. I can barely stomach what I have covered.

As a people we are lost. We are discordant & in a word, stupid.

You doubt me?

Look around you.

Look at our choices for President of the United States.

Our once great nation is joke.

We are crumbling from within.

Just as the saying goes: United we stand. Divided we fall.

We have never been more divided.




Something to think about.
