Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Last Sunday was a wonderful day

Our youngest little bub was baptized.

He asked about having it done several weeks back &  he had his talk with his daddy &  his talk with our pastor & then we picked the day.

Our church doesn't have a baptistry so we do things a little differently than some of you may be used to.

Often times we drive over to a local ranch & use their indoor (and heated!) pool.

But that wasn't available so we had to improvise...

Yes. That is a cow trough.

 But it's okay. It was a brand new one. Our pastor needed one anyway so we just 'borrowed' it for it's maiden voyage.

It was a little chilly that day but the sun was shining & we were able to share it with everyone at church.

 It's such a blessing & such a praise when your children choose to confess their faith in such a public way.

Being able to witness the celebration of someones spiritual rebirth is so encouraging to the rest of us & especially when it's your child.

Makes my heart happy, happy, happy.


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